The New Rules for Lead Management
How Video Differentiates Your Sales Techniques
You hate being “sold to.” Whether it’s a new truck or the latest operational software platform, you know it’s true. You want access to the right information and an opportunity to make a decision yourself. Trust us, there are a thousand sales books about why this is true.
You don’t need the latest sales gimmick to increase your sales. They might work for a minute, but they’re not going to build long-term relationships that grow your business.
Regardless of your company’s preferred sales strategy, the constant truth is that you must adapt to the marketplace. If you don’t, your team gets stale, and your revenue dries up, and one day… 😵
So, how do you increase sales organically? Read on…
People buy from people they like. That’s why your sales team is full of charming, clever extroverts. How do you get more exposure to the authentic winsomeness of your team?
The video sales funnel.
At every stage of the sales funnel, video can enhance your chances of winning. Here are Foundry’s five new rules for lead management:
#1: Awareness Creates Opportunity.
If you’re not even in the mix, how can your sales team compete? The first place to look for more sales is at the top of the funnel - the comparison stage. Rather than a brain dump of data, this is your foot-in-the-door opportunity. (But save all of that powerful data for further down the funnel!)
By crafting a Corporate Overview Video that speaks directly to your target audience, you’ll increase the number of prospects in your funnel immediately just by increasing awareness.
#2: Engagement Requires Presence.
Consumer research has proven that video is the breakout medium for authentic engagement. Now that your leads have measured you against the competition, you have the opportunity to shine. What makes you unique? Why are you better suited to solve their specific problem?
A series of well-crafted, short Engagement Videos that speak directly to the benefits of your product or service allows you to exponentially multiply your sales team’s engagement with your audience.
#3: Education Drives Adoption.
Your customers are now listening. They know who you are and what makes you different. The question is, what can you do for them? This is the moment where you can dive into the complexities of your capabilities with a series of Products and Services videos focused on customer benefits.
#4: Relationships Demand Nurture.
How many times have you found the right buyer at the wrong time? Quarterly cycles. Budget cuts. Changes in leadership. Whatever the reason, delayed timelines do not have to equal lost sales.
You can drive continual consideration through a series of Case Studies and Testimonial videos that deepen your customer’s trust in your brand over time by proving how you reliably deliver results for their peers. When they’re ready to buy, they’ll already know who they’re buying from – you.
#5: Conversions Don’t Just Happen.
You’ve successfully discovered, developed, and deepened your relationship with a lead. The funnel has worked. Now is when your charming, clever extroverts do what they do best – transform leads into clients.
Even here, video can help your team by equipping them with a library of content that matches up to customer objections as they close the deal.
The funnel is fallible. Commitment to winning isn’t. Even though we’ve seen this updated video sales funnel provide our clients with tremendous success, we know the market is going to change. It’s an immutable law of human behavior. It’s also what makes this whole process so exciting. The thrill of the chase.
Foundry remains committed to helping you adapt to the market. We believe in partnerships that work with your methods, your team, and your goals. We also believe in video as a powerful tool in the sales cycle. How we shape, shoot, and deploy that content might look different next year, but the ability to communicate authentically won’t.
We’ve proven that effective video content drives results for brands like yours across the country. Contact us to start a conversation about how video can transform your sales team’s reach and results.